• 1. Op welke platformen maken jullie websites?

    Wij gebruiken het liefst WordPress of Webflow, beiden hebben zo eigen voordelen. In WordPress is alles mogelijk! Een mooie, snelle website is vrij snel in elkaar gezet. Wil jij een volledig custom website moet je wel al snel een designer, front-end developer en back-end developer inhuren.

    Bij Webflow sla je dit proces over, codetaal is niet meer nodig. Daarnaast is een Webflow website vaak sneller en makkelijker te beveiligen.

  • 2. Maken jullie ook webshops?

    Zeker! Of je nou 15 of 7000 producten hebt, niet is ons te gek.

    Laat ons je wensen weten en we maken samen een plan om jouw droom-shop te realiseren.

  • 3. Kan ik ook zelf aanpassingen maken aan mijn nieuwe website?

    Als jij op den duur teksten wil aanpassen of bijvoorbeeld blogs wilt toevoegen kan dat zeker.

    Heb je een Webflow website? Dan krijg je van ons een handige editor-link, waarbij je makkelijk alle aanpassingen kan doen die je wil!

    WordPress is iets ingewikkelder, maar dat leggen we je uiteraard graag uit.

  • 4. Hoe zit het met de beveiliging?

    Als wij jouw WordPress website hosten, zorgen wij er ook voor dat er op de beveiliging niets aan te merken is. Host je ergens anders? Dan hebben wij hier helaas geen invloed op, ook niet als er iets gebeurt...

    De hosting van Webflow is duurder dan die van WordPress, maar hierbij zorgt Webflow zelf dat jouw website optimaal is beveiligd.

  • 5. Can you provide Service to non-English speaking client?

    Remember that appointment availability may vary depending on the healthcare provider's schedule, so it's a good idea to book in advance, especially for routine check-ups or non-urgent visits. In case of emergencies.

    If you have questions about a specific medical service or treatment, you can also consult with your healthcare provider, who can assist you in navigating the insurance process and determining what is covered under your plan.

  • 1. How can I book an appointment with your team?

    Remember that appointment availability may vary depending on the healthcare provider's schedule, so it's a good idea to book in advance, especially for routine check-ups or non-urgent visits. In case of emergencies.

    So it's a good idea to book in advance, especially for routine check-ups or non-urgent visits. In case of emergencies or serious medical conditions, please seek immediate medical attention by calling 911 or going to the nearest emergency room.

  • 2. Are your services covered by insurance?

    It's essential to understand your health insurance coverage to make informed decisions about your healthcare and avoid unexpected expenses. If you have questions about a specific medical service or treatment.

    If you have questions about a specific medical service or treatment, you can also consult with your healthcare provider, who can assist you in navigating the insurance process and determining what is covered under your plan.

  • 3. How do I access your digital services?

    It's important to note that the specific steps and processes may vary depending on the telemedicine provider you choose and your location. Additionally, not all medical conditions can be treated via telemedicine.

    Additionally, not all medical conditions can be treated via telemedicine, so your healthcare provider may recommend in-person visits for certain situations.

  • 4. What agency specialties does your team cover?

    Remember that appointment availability may vary depending on the healthcare provider's schedule, so it's a good idea to book in advance, especially for routine check-ups or non-urgent visits. In case of emergencies.

    So it's a good idea to book in advance, especially for routine check-ups or non-urgent visits. In case of emergencies or serious medical conditions, please seek immediate medical attention by calling 911 or going to the nearest emergency room.

  • 5. Can you provide Service to non-English speaking client?

    Remember that appointment availability may vary depending on the healthcare provider's schedule, so it's a good idea to book in advance, especially for routine check-ups or non-urgent visits. In case of emergencies.

    If you have questions about a specific medical service or treatment, you can also consult with your healthcare provider, who can assist you in navigating the insurance process and determining what is covered under your plan.

  • 1. How can I book an appointment with your team?

    Remember that appointment availability may vary depending on the healthcare provider's schedule, so it's a good idea to book in advance, especially for routine check-ups or non-urgent visits. In case of emergencies.

    So it's a good idea to book in advance, especially for routine check-ups or non-urgent visits. In case of emergencies or serious medical conditions, please seek immediate medical attention by calling 911 or going to the nearest emergency room.

  • 2. Are your services covered by insurance?

    It's essential to understand your health insurance coverage to make informed decisions about your healthcare and avoid unexpected expenses. If you have questions about a specific medical service or treatment.

    If you have questions about a specific medical service or treatment, you can also consult with your healthcare provider, who can assist you in navigating the insurance process and determining what is covered under your plan.

  • 3. How do I access your digital services?

    It's important to note that the specific steps and processes may vary depending on the telemedicine provider you choose and your location. Additionally, not all medical conditions can be treated via telemedicine.

    Additionally, not all medical conditions can be treated via telemedicine, so your healthcare provider may recommend in-person visits for certain situations.

  • 4. What agency specialties does your team cover?

    Remember that appointment availability may vary depending on the healthcare provider's schedule, so it's a good idea to book in advance, especially for routine check-ups or non-urgent visits. In case of emergencies.

    So it's a good idea to book in advance, especially for routine check-ups or non-urgent visits. In case of emergencies or serious medical conditions, please seek immediate medical attention by calling 911 or going to the nearest emergency room.

  • 5. Can you provide Service to non-English speaking client?

    Remember that appointment availability may vary depending on the healthcare provider's schedule, so it's a good idea to book in advance, especially for routine check-ups or non-urgent visits. In case of emergencies.

    If you have questions about a specific medical service or treatment, you can also consult with your healthcare provider, who can assist you in navigating the insurance process and determining what is covered under your plan.

  • 1. How can I book an appointment with your team?

    Remember that appointment availability may vary depending on the healthcare provider's schedule, so it's a good idea to book in advance, especially for routine check-ups or non-urgent visits. In case of emergencies.

    So it's a good idea to book in advance, especially for routine check-ups or non-urgent visits. In case of emergencies or serious medical conditions, please seek immediate medical attention by calling 911 or going to the nearest emergency room.

  • 2. Are your services covered by insurance?

    It's essential to understand your health insurance coverage to make informed decisions about your healthcare and avoid unexpected expenses. If you have questions about a specific medical service or treatment.

    If you have questions about a specific medical service or treatment, you can also consult with your healthcare provider, who can assist you in navigating the insurance process and determining what is covered under your plan.

  • 3. How do I access your digital services?

    It's important to note that the specific steps and processes may vary depending on the telemedicine provider you choose and your location. Additionally, not all medical conditions can be treated via telemedicine.

    Additionally, not all medical conditions can be treated via telemedicine, so your healthcare provider may recommend in-person visits for certain situations.

  • 4. What agency specialties does your team cover?

    Remember that appointment availability may vary depending on the healthcare provider's schedule, so it's a good idea to book in advance, especially for routine check-ups or non-urgent visits. In case of emergencies.

    So it's a good idea to book in advance, especially for routine check-ups or non-urgent visits. In case of emergencies or serious medical conditions, please seek immediate medical attention by calling 911 or going to the nearest emergency room.

  • 5. Can you provide Service to non-English speaking client?

    Remember that appointment availability may vary depending on the healthcare provider's schedule, so it's a good idea to book in advance, especially for routine check-ups or non-urgent visits. In case of emergencies.

    If you have questions about a specific medical service or treatment, you can also consult with your healthcare provider, who can assist you in navigating the insurance process and determining what is covered under your plan.

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